My new triptych for Dave Matthews Band, commemorating their annual Labor Day weekend run of shows at the magnificent Gorge Amphitheatre in Quincy, WA. As the very essence of the Gorge is so steeped in nature, I chose to focus on just that: nature’s celestial beings distilled into human form.
For three and a half weeks, these posters just… absolutely consumed my entire life. I would estimate I clocked somewhere in the ballpark of 250 - 275 hours throughout those days; I have never worked so fervently on something. I slept on my couch for two or three hours a night, five feet away from my desk, to keep my momentum moving. I left my apartment maybe five times throughout the stretch, three of those times for therapy. I would go days hardly saying anything out loud, save the occasional expletive when I fudged something up. This project… This project pushed me to the brink. But all that time and effort has never felt more worthwhile or rewarding. I can confidently say that this is undoubtedly the greatest work I have ever accomplished in my career as an artist.
Thank you Solis, thank you Terra, thank you Luna.